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Natural Allergy Remedy for You and your Kids Natural Allergy Remedy for You and your Kids

It came to our attention recently, that our 4 year old son suffers from allergies. Zyrtec had little to no effect on his congestion and sneezing, and I didn't want to use medicine for an issue I knew would be re-occuring. I decided to do some research and quickly came across information regarding Lavendar. Ofcourse! How could I have forgotten?!


100% pure Lavendar is a natural antihistamine and...

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Lotions and Creams could be ruining your skin! Lotions and Creams could be ruining your skin!

Confusion abounds regarding the abundance of moisturizing products. Clarifying the terms moisturizer, emollient and humectant.

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Red, dry, scaly skin patches. What do you do when you have random skin reactions? 6 simple steps.

Red, dry, scaly skin patches. What do you do when you have  random skin reactions? 6 simple steps.

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